Hand Launch glider kit from the USA.

Latest piccie of Talon on a marginal day (26/10/03) at Castlelaw. Got a 12 minute flight eventually but I had to work at it. We watched a hot-air balloon going up and down over Penicuik and going nowhere. Wind was pretty marginal, from the North.

Update 23/04/04: well it still works after I cratered it on Easter Monday! Pilot error I'm afraid; no other explanation. Luckily the only break was in the fuselage about halfway back to the tail and it was (relatively) clean. Cyano to the rescue and it's as good as new. (Well the tail is ever so slightly squint but flying's just fine.)

Talon in flight; the second ever after it literally flew from my hand after being completed. It rolls, loops, flies inverted, and I sort of ran out of ideas on it's first day out. It weighs 16 oz (470gm), of which there is 50gm of lead in the nose. (Ok so I need a bigger battery.)


It took a while to build (my fault mostly), and it's the first time I've had to rely on cyano for almost the whole thing. The longitudinal response was twitchy (good!) but I calmed that down with the Cockpit. The ailerons were pretty marginal, hardly having any effect at all(D♣♣♣!!) That's now cured by increasing the arm throw on the servo and again, (good new Cockpit) an increase on the TX. In fact the dual rates switch now has a 'general mucking about' position and a 'let's be a hooligan again' setting. I've also lined up the servo arm so that it's at right angles for neutral. No more assymetric roll response. Result: really nice to fly and just bounces about in even marginal lift. Last Sunday (29/2/2004) was just that, witha mega thermal which came through just as I was getting ready to leave. Really good flight down to the carpark though!


Anyway top marks to the designers for a pretty smart little model which promises hours of fun!
(and that's the old tranny - the Cockpit's a lot smarter and looks the biz.)
New photos will get posted shortly in which the name is clearly visible.
These were all from the first two outings where it really proved it was a goer.

The notes above were written a while ago and life has moved on since with the purchase of a Cockpit SX 2.4 system which allows all sort of mixing and stuff, most (all) of which is totally irrelevant for the Talon. Meantime I've put a short video from the Talon performance at Castlelaw in the Pentlands.

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(Latest update 5:August:2021)

Youtube video of Talon in flight